Anti-Wrinkle treatments are quick effective treatments to treat fine lines, excessive sweating and overactive muscles such as within the Jaw. These treatments come with minimal downtime or discomfort and leave our patients feeling refreshed. Depending on area treated these treatments can last for 3-12 months.
Anti-Wrinkle agents are designed to relax the muscle in the area treated. We inject a very small dose of this product with very fine needles into the treatment area. Once the muscle is relaxed in the coming days the creasing in the skin is reduced. This in turn results in smooth skin, free from fine lines.
If it is jaw clenching or masseter treatment we are targeting, the treatment works by reducing the muscle tension and repeated clenching of the jaw. Once the treatment takes effect our patients find relief from clenching, sometimes reduction in headaches, and also a more slim appearance to the lower face.
If excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is the concern for our patient our Anti-Wrinkle agent works by disrupting the sweat gland communicating with the nerve and in turn temporarily switches off the sweating process in the armpits. Patients who suffer from excessive sweating find this can really impact their lives and day to day activities and the relief from the treatment can improve their symptoms dramatically.